Lesson 1: General Principles of Testing |
- Explain the purpose of tests
- Define target performance objective
- Contrast a goal and an objective
- Describe the value and benefits of tests
- Identify Scriptural support for test accountability
- Define the teacher’s role in teaching test-taking skills
Lesson 2: Types of Tests |
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of teacher-made tests
- Identify and explain the general guidelines for constructing and administering teacher-made tests
- Describe the limitations of publisher tests
- Explain percentile, stanine, and grade equivalent standardized test scores
- Explain the teacher’s role in interpreting standardized test results
- Identify uses of standardized test scores
- Contrast teacher-made and norm-referenced standardized tests
Lesson 3: General Principles of Test Construction |
- Contrast validity and reliability
- Explain content validity and construct validity
- Describe practical approaches to establishing test validity
- Identify the differences between objective and subjective tests
Lesson 4: Writing Matching Questions |
- Identify the advantages of matching test questions
- Identify the disadvantages of matching test questions
- List the guidelines for constructing matching questions
- Construct valid matching questions
Lesson 5: Writing True-False Questions |
- Identify the advantages of true-false questions
- List the disadvantages of true-false questions
- Describe the guidelines for constructing true-false questions
- Construct valid true-false questions
Lesson 6: Writing Sentence-Completion and Short-Answer Questions |
- List the strengths of sentence-completion and short-answer questions
- Identify the weaknesses of sentence-completion and short-answer questions
- Describe the guidelines for constructing sentence-completion and short-answer questions
- Construct valid sentence-completion and short-answer questions
Lesson 7: Writing Multiple-Choice Questions |
- Identify the strengths of multiple-choice questions
- List the weaknesses of multiple-choice questions
- Describe the guidelines for multiple-choice questions
- Identify multiple-choice questions that are poorly constructed
- Construct valid multiple-choice questions
Lesson 8: Writing Essay Questions |
- List the advantages of essay test questions
- List the disadvantages of essay test questions
- Identify the guidelines for constructing essay questions
- Define key essay qualifiers
- Construct valid essay questions