Lesson 1: Introduction to Educational Philosophies and Foundations |
- Explain the Colossian heresy
- Explain the biblical meaning of truth
- Explain integrating truth in education
- Define philosophy
- Define and explain the preeminence of Jesus Christ
- Define Christian apologist
- Define worldview and biblical worldview
- Identify the five worldview belief clusters
Lesson 2: Building Foundations for a Christian School (Part 1) |
- Define wise man, simple man, scorner, and fool
- Explain the relationship of truth to wisdom
- Define ontology, epistemology, and ethics
- Explain the anthropic principle
- Explain the reasons for the surge in Christian schools since the 1960s
- Identify the five Bible truth elements of a Christian school foundational program
- Explain the rationale for the inclusion of the Person of God in the development of a biblical philosophy of education
- Describe the “Seven Person of God” principles
Lesson 3: Building Foundations for a Christian School (Part 2) |
- Describe the priority of the Word of God
- Explain the four “Priority of the Word of God” principles
- Describe the properties of children
- Explain the five “Properties of Children” principles
- Write a personal philosophy of Christian school education
Lesson 4: Hebrew History, Theology, Philosophy, and Education |
- Identify five important philosophical questions
- Explain the Age of Innocence
- Explain the Age of Conscience
- Explain the Noahic Covenant
- Describe the Abrahamic Covenant
- Describe the Mosaic Covenant
- Describe the influence of the Hebrew nation on American education
- Identify the four levels of Hebrew education
- Discuss the Hebrew curriculum and teaching methodology
- Identify key Hebrew educators
Lesson 5: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Education, and History |
- Define philosophy as defined by the Greeks
- Name and describe Athens’ three famous philosophers—Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
- Describe Athenian education
- Explain the Socratic approach to questioning
- List and describe the seven theories opposed by Plato
- Describe Aristotle’s educational theory
- Explain the role of the state in Athenian education
- Describe two beliefs embraced by the Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics, and Neoplatonists
- Describe Roman Education
- Name and describe Rome’s famous philosophers
- Define “Catechumenal Schools” and “Catechetical Schools”
- Discuss the impact of Augustine’s philosophy on education
Lesson 6: Dark Ages to 21st Century: Philosophy, Education, and History |
- Identify the major theologians during the Dark Ages and their contributions to theology
- Define Scholasticism
- Discuss the educational developments during the Dark Ages
- Identify the social changes during the Renaissance
- List Erasmus’ key ideas and his major work achievements
- Name the major educators during the Reformation and describe their contributions to education
- Identify the major educators during the Enlightenment and describe their contributions to education
- Describe the types of schools in Colonial America
- Discuss the impact of Horace Mann’s and Francis Wayland Parker’s educational beliefs on American education
- Explain the impact of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution on American education
- Define compulsory education